Thursday, June 20, 2013

There Is POWER!!! / Delusions or God Talking???

Hello Everyone. Floyd here...

I think I will start by addressing the first and most exciting part of my post's title: There Is POWER!!! After several days with no power (several hours of which were unnecessary due to an unknown breaker Tamra already blogged about) and as a result no shower or toilet water, the power has been restored!!! Now obviously this is for a limited time only as the power will inevitably return to its "OFF" status, but it is nice to be able to see what you are doing in the house for a bit and shower without trying to get the flashlight to stay in just the right place. So the lights are on and the water reservoir filled. Praise God for the small things in life, right?!?!

Now on to the second part of my title: Delusions or God Talking??? I do not remember if Tamra blogged about this or not, but I was thinking on it tonight and so I thought I would think about it out loud and see what the rest of you think. Earlier this morning when Tamra was walking Raegan back from the clinic and her  Malaria diagnosis (see Tamra's earlier blog to get details on that), Raegan made a statement that caught Tamra a bit off guard and has been in my head for a good part of the day. While walking back to the house, Raegan said, "I wish we could live here", or something to that effect. Now the question is was this Raegan being just slightly delirious as her body was fighting malaria, was it Raegan just sharing how she was really feeling about this place, or was it perhaps I (and I would say that the 2nd and 3rd options could go together) that there was a little bit of God talking there??? I must say that I don't have the answer to this question but it would not surprise me if God were to use one of the kids to make a statement to us. Admittedly, we have been praying and asking that God would give us direction on what He wants us to do and where He wants us to do it. And I must also admit that I haven't felt like God has really given me any direction on the matter whatsoever. Don't get me wrong. I have greatly enjoyed my time here and as stated in previous blogs, I could totally see us living here and serving here. But I haven't had that "aha" moment  where God said, "This is the place". So is it possible that God is speaking to us in a very small way via Raegan??? What are your thoughts?

On a side note, I guess we will really know who reads these blogs based on who responds. Unless you have nothing to say, which is fine, be we would love to hear from you on the matter. One cannot have enough good Christian counsel.

Anyway... please pray for Raegan as she fights off the malaria and that God would give some clear direction on what He wants us to do from here. Until then, we are content to follow on with the current plan and live for Him day by day. Hope things are great in your lives.


  1. I would just say don't get caught up in the "next phase" of God's plan. When the Lord called us to Florida we immediately started with "Okay Lord, we're here what's next?" and we went many months, like 14 months, before God revealed to us what that next phase is. Now through that time we learned a lot about ourselves and what we are willing to live without plus the true meaning of provision. I know you and Tamara have sacrificed and started that "living with less" lifestyle and that is the beginning for sure! This step of faith you and your family are taking will also be a test (at least it was for Don and I)...i'm rambling...the short of it it we understand completely what you are going through and just enjoy the day to day of following Him...just like your doing!!!!
    A person can do nothing better than to eat and drink and find satisfaction in their own toil. This too, I see, is from the hand of God...Ecclesiastes 2:24

  2. I would just say don't get caught up in the "next phase" of God's plan. When the Lord called us to Florida we immediately started with "Okay Lord, we're here what's next?" and we went many months, like 14 months, before God revealed to us what that next phase is. Now through that time we learned a lot about ourselves and what we are willing to live without plus the true meaning of provision. I know you and Tamara have sacrificed and started that "living with less" lifestyle and that is the beginning for sure! This step of faith you and your family are taking will also be a test (at least it was for Don and I)...i'm rambling...the short of it it we understand completely what you are going through and just enjoy the day to day of following Him...just like you're doing!!!!
    A person can do nothing better than to eat and drink and find satisfaction in their own toil. This too, I see, is from the hand of God...Ecclesiastes 2:24

  3. I believe God definitely uses our children to get our attention sometimes! Will be praying for Raegen as well as the rest of the fam... See you in 2 weeks!!!
