"The StanClan" is the affectionate way that we refer to our family.You can find a lot of information about us and our daily adventures by visiting Tamra's blog here: www.leapfrogmomma.blogspot.com
We've been members at Christ Fellowship Eldorado in McKinney, Texas since 2005. In August 2012, Floyd became the Worship Leader for Christ Fellowship Preston. Due to the experiences of the last 15 years, we have a passion for marriages, raising children to be arrows in the hands of God, and showing God's love to others through any means possible. We definitely know what it means to be a sinner saved by grace and we want others to know that the same grace is available to them. We consider it a privilege to share God's work in our lives, so we're an open book. Feel free to ask us anything. :)

For the sake of your time, we'll just share with you the background on how our mission in Uganda began and has developed over time.

In 2010, on a normal Sunday morning, Floyd and Tamra sat in church just like they had every Sunday for years. During the announcements, it was shared that the church was working with Pastor Makumbi Johnson in Kawempe, Uganda to develop a full Gospel mission, including medical, dental, and vision clinics, Gospel outreaches, and church planting. For this trip, medical personnel, worship leaders, and evangelists would be needed. For the first time in his life, Floyd received a clear calling: He must go to Uganda. Now, for a little back story, Tamra had always wanted to do missions and dreamed of one day participating in missions as a family, but Floyd had no desire to leave the comfort of the United States. He didn’t even want to vacation to foreign lands. A mission in Uganda was the furthest thing from his mind. Having no idea why he had to go on this particular trip, he began preparations.
As planning progressed, Floyd was asked to lead the American worship team. After months of preparation, the team finally arrived in Uganda. For 3 weeks, they would pour themselves out in the name of Jesus. By day, Floyd assisted in the vision clinics and shared the Gospel. By night, he led the people in American style worship. Over time, the American worship team and the Ugandan worship team began worshiping together. Through this, lasting relationships were formed. Floyd also had the opportunity to preach the Sunday sermon in one of the newly planted churches. Over these 3 weeks, countless villagers received much needed medical attention and came to know Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. Floyd returned home knowing that his calling to Uganda was not over.
In 2011, another trip was planned to minister in 3 more villages of Uganda. This time Floyd and Tamra would go together. Floyd’s role remained much the same, leading worship and helping in the vision clinic. Tamra found her place in the vision clinic as well. In order to meet the vision needs of each person, a lot of questions need to be answered. With a translator, Tamra sat with each person to gather information about their physical, spiritual, and family needs. She had the opportunity to pray with each person and share the Gospel with anyone who had not yet heard. From there, she guided them to the appropriate vision station. Tamra also spent time building the prescription based glasses. Once again, countless villagers came to know Christ and had their physical needs met. Again, Floyd and Tamra left Uganda knowing they would return.
In 2012, the entire Stanley family journeyed to Uganda together to minister in 4 more villages. Floyd’s role continued as the worship leader, assisting in the vision clinic, and sharing the Gospel. In addition to her previous role in the vision clinic, Tamra became the vision clinic administrator and had some opportunity to help in the medical clinic. Raegan, their oldest daughter, became an important member of the vision clinic team, helped in the first ever Vacation Bible School, and joined the American worship team. Troy, their middle son, played with the children and helped in the dental clinic and pharmacy. Tyler, their youngest son, helped in the Vacation Bible School, the vision and dental clinics, and the pharmacy, and played with the children. Every member of the Stanley family was able to share the Gospel with people of all ages. God proved that there is no age requirement to work in His Kingdom. Yet again, the Stanleys left Uganda knowing that God’s call was not over and they would return.

Over the last 2 years, Floyd and Tamra have also entered the process of training and preparing for long term mission work in Uganda. The training process will take another year or so. During that time the future plans in Uganda will continue to develop and plans will be more clear. For now, the future partnership will entail a 150 acre property which will ultimately become a fully self-sustained village. In it will be 30 acres of land for crop cultivation, a housing and training section for 600 unwed mothers (ages 11 and up), homes for hundreds of orphaned children, a primary school, a high school, a vocational school, a bible school, a medical clinic, a mill, and a juice factory. As a teacher, Tamra’s projected role will be in the schools. Floyd’s projected role will be in the vocational school and administration. 

As this is all a work in progress, we proceed forward in faith.Perhaps God will send us somewhere else or perhaps we'll be right here in North Texas for the long haul. No matter where we're at, our desire is simply to do God's will and share His love with those whom we come into contact. 

May we bring Him glory!
At the mouth of the River Nile in Jinja, Uganda, 2012.

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