Tuesday, June 25, 2013

I'd never prayed for favor before...by Tamra

I know that we've already shared some of the events from our trip to Kawempe on Sunday, but there is one other thing that has been on my mind, so I hope you'll grant me the favor of returning to that trip once more. Before I do, I'd like to give you a little background info.
I've been reading a few different things during the last month. Of course, I've spent some time in the word, specifically in Daniel, Acts, and John. During this reading, I've seen some statements where someone either prayed for favor or was given favor with someone else.  
I've also been reading The Long Road to Hope, by Jennie G Dangers (oldest daughter of Uncle Jay and Auntie Vickey). This book is the story of New Hope from the beginning up to the publishing of the book in 2006. In this book, there are also instances of people praying for or being granted favor. There are also some stories of great struggle here in Uganda. Stories about being robbed at gunpoint, difficulties with authority, and all sorts of other things. Just like in America, most of the people are good and don't mean to harm anyone, but there are always those who are up to no good and seek only to gain for themselves at any cost. 
So, with this in mind, I take you back to Sunday morning. The drive to Kawempe was roughly 2 hours. We had to sit through many construction stops when the road was down to one lane. At one point, maybe half way through the journey, I suddenly felt the van stopping. I looked up (as i had been reading) to see that we were really in the middle of nowhere and I could see no reason for us to pull over on the side of the road. At this point, I looked behind me and saw a couple of people dressed in police uniforms. 
Now pause here....in one of the last stories I read in the aforementioned  biography the family is robbed in their own home by 2 men in military uniforms carrying AK47s. These men began with the story that they had a warrant and needed to search the house looking for harbored spies. Of course, this was all a farce and they really just took everything they thought was valuable. 
So, I see these 2 officers and wonder what's going on. One officer walks up to the driver's window and begins talking. I have no idea what she's saying because I'm in the very backseat of the van and can't hear them. 
I see the driver hand over his ID. The officer then starts pointing to the window stickers (sort of like what we have in Texas to show that you've passed inspection and are registered). Apparently the driver is missing one of the stickers on the window. He gets out of the car and walks around with the officer, as she is pointing to the window and talking. The other officer is now with them, and both he and the driver are doing something. At this point, I've just begun praying that The Lord gives the driver (and us) favor with these officers.
For a short moment, I could not see the driver or the male officer, but the female officer was still standing at the front of the vehicle. The window decals are on the passengers side, so the officer was standing right next to Floyd's window. At this time, she greets him and they make general polite conversation for a moment, and then the officer asks where we're going. Floyd told her we were going to Kawempe and, of course, she asked why. He explained that we knew the pastor and had friends at Victory Living Word Church, so we were traveling to join them for Sunday service. I'm not really sure if she knew the name of the church, but she seemed too. Either that, or the specific church didn't matter so much as that we were going to church.
The other officer and driver came back around the vehicle and the male officer was saying something to the driver. The woman told the male officer we were heading to services at Victory Living Word and soon the driver was back in his seat. She then told the driver that as soon as we got back from church to find the sticker and put it in the window. "It is very important," she said. Then she smiled and they let us go on our way.
Now perhaps this was the plan all along, but either way, God did grant our driver favor that morning. Floyd later asked him what sticker was missing and he told us it was the insurance sticker. Yes, that is important!
Next time you find yourself in a jam, rather than trying to find your own way out, perhaps God is just waiting for you to pray for His favor in that situation. 

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