Today was quite the day for me. It began with the knowledge that I would be going to Kiwoko
(Chee-wo-ko) to visit the radio station and work on some computer issues there. It never even occurred to me what method of transportation I would be taking to get there. I just assumed I would be picked up in a car. Oops!!! Not the case. Much to my surprise I was greeted by a Boda Boda driver (motorcycle driver) who would be taking me the 3 kilometers to the radio station. NOW WAIT JUST ONE MINUTE!!!!
First of all let me share with you my feelings about motorcycles. DEATH TRAPS!!! I have never nor will I ever have a desire to get onto a motorcycle of any kind. In my opinion they are not safe and I of all people (with my driving record) do not need to be on one. With that said, driving on a Boda Boda here is much different than in the States. Here is a short list of differences:
1) Right of Way Laws - They simply do not apply here. Vehicles have the right of way. Everyone else must get out of the way.
2) The Roads - We are not talking about smooth concrete or asphalt roads here. We are talking about dirt roads covered with rocks, completely un-leveled, full of potholes, with dirt and dust flying about everywhere. There is a reason many Boda Boda drivers use dirt bikes here instead of the standard motor bike.
3) There Is Nothing To Hold On To: Need I say more???? No handles, no back support, no holding the driver (which I thought about doing on several occasions and held back for fear of d emasculating myself).
4) Death Tolls - The death rate for people on Boda Bodas here is not good. And if you are hit by a vehicle, the rules here state that the driver of the other vehicle not stop to render aid but to drive as quickly as possible to the police station to avoid being injured by the surrounding crowd that may decide to provide some quick civilian justice.
Needless to say.... I was not amused. Here I am getting set for the journey. Notice the backpack on my back? Yeah... that didn't help things at all!!!

Now I will let you see a little video of the beginning of our journey that Tamra took. If you listed closely you can hear only three words uttered from my lips. "Pray for me."
Below is a picture of the radio station and then another of the sign they use declaring is so.
No sooner did I walk into the radio station did the station manager greet me and walk me over to the antenna station. He informed me that they had been having issues getting on the internet and wanted me to see if I could fix it. So I walked into the antenna station and proceeded to plug my laptop into their system, only to find that there was no signal coming from antenna receiving the WiFi signal. And try to guess where in the world that WiFi receiver was...... Yep.... on that stinkin' tower!!!
Here is the view from the ground.
Here is the view out from halfway. Yep. Higher than the electric poles. As I said.... halfway up. I remember saying to myself repeatedly "What are you doing??? What have you got yourself into???" Remember, I had nothing tethering me to the antenna. Just a hand grip..... that's it.
Finally I got to the top and reached my objective. The WiFi receiver. All this just to swap out a cable. The thing that will really stink is if I get back down only to find that this isn't the problem.

I failed to mention that I had to carry 150 feet of cable up the tower with me. It was gathered in a loop and I had my arm through it and on my shoulder. Sorry I couldn't bring myself to take a picture from the top. It was hard enough just to get this one.
Anyway...I made it safely back down (my hands and arms were really tired at this point) and got back to the laptop. Signal was good now and problem resolved. Whew!!!
I worked on a few other things (slow cpu issues and wireless internet connections) and then got back on the Boda Boda. Off we went back to New Hope. I was more confident on the way back and just rode the bumps as if I was riding a horse. I'm sure I would be okay to be on one in the future.....but I want to be driving. I need more control of the situation.
That's my adventure. Stays tuned for more of our experiences...
Love those shoes!! I'll share this on the EWA page :] They could not have gotten me on that tower for a million dollars!!
ReplyDeleteMan, I would have paid to see you do all of that! LOL... that was awesome!