Friday, June 14, 2013

Back in the classroom

Hello Everyone! This is Kim and I just spent my first day in a Ugandan classroom. And here I thought I was out of school for the summer! But really, it was quite an experience. The first thing I noticed was how they integrate the Bible and God into each lesson. Even if the students were only taking a test, the teacher would write "May God help you" at the bottom of the board to encourage them. They also spoke often of our bodies being the temple of God, and stressed the importance of staying clean and healthy.
Since this was our first day in the schools, we really just wanted to sit and observe how the teacher manages the classroom and what the students are learning right now. I sat in on a math class, and the teacher was covering fractions. Now, fractions are not usually my favorite concept to teach, but I'm actually looking forward to working with the students here. It looks like on Monday, I will begin working with small groups of students to help them in the areas they struggle with most (multiplication facts, fractions, etc). I'll also have an opportunity to read with students to help them practice their English. I am very excited to get started, and pray for opportunities to show these children the love of the Father.
I can't speak for everyone, but Day 2 seems to be the day you hit a wall. Everyone had a hard time sleeping last night and woke up pretty tired. I'm sure it's comical to watch us walking around in a daze today. I for one am excited for a weekend to rest and adjust fully to Uganda time before diving into tutoring. 
I'm sure everyone will want to share about their day, so I won't write too much right now. I can't wait to share more with you once we get started in the classroom!!!

Mukama akuwe omukisa (God Bless You!!!)

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