it's Tamra, again :)
Can you believe we leave for Uganda in 12 days??!! I'm very excited and ready to go! I would say there is a lot to do still, but really the only things left to do are going to be done in the last few days before we go. So, other than normal routines, we don't have a lot of rushing to do, yet.
Let me tell you about a few things that God has worked out for us:
1) Tyler left for Camp His Way today. That might not seem like a big deal, but it's a total God thing. All 3 of the kids have been to Camp His Way since Raegan (the oldest) was old enough to go. They all went every single year until they were too old. This year was supposed to be Tyler's last time to attend. Unfortunately, our church group is going to CHW the same day that we leave for Uganda. Tyler was going miss his last year of CHW! It was disappointing for him but even worse because he'd be the only one to ever miss a single year; however, he had accepted the situation and was excited to go to Uganda. A little more than a month ago we found out that a home school group from a near-by town was going to CHW from May 28-June 1 and they had plenty of open spots! Through our many years of CHW, I had a small connection to one of their adults and I inquired about Tyler going with them. Not only would they be glad to have him, they would work him into their carpool! Since I'm still working this week, it would have been very difficult if I had to drive him. So, today he loaded up with a group of people that he has never met and headed to CHW. I wish I were with him because I love CHW!! (I've been as an adult chaperon the last 3 years.) Needless to say, we know that God provided this opportunity to meet a desire of Tyler's heart. Perhaps it seems insignificant in the grand scheme. Missing camp would certainly not be the worst thing to happen to Tyler and many kids never go to camp a single time, but God cares about our desires and He made it all work out!
2) Raegan has desired to be the voice of the puppet during VBS at our church for a few years. She really hoped that this year might be her chance. I have no idea if that would have happened, but she wouldn't even get to find out because we'll still be in Uganda during the week of VBS. Since we learned that we'll be staying at New Hope, we have been in communication with the leader of a short term team that will be at New Hope during our last 2 weeks in Uganda. During that time, one of their activities is a VBS for around 400 kids. The wonderful lady in charge of VBS sent me an email introducing herself and I replied letting her know that the kids are willing to do whatever she needs and that Raegan particularly enjoys acting. The very next day, she sends me an email saying that she will definitely have the kids help in different skits, games, crafts, and songs; however, she has one particular role that needed to be filled. ARE YOU READY FOR THIS??? She asked, "would Raegan be willing to be the VOICE OF THE PUPPET all week?" Would she be willing? Little did this stranger know that for some reason it was the desire of Raegan's heart to be the puppet at VBS this year! Now, not only is she being the voice of the puppet, but she's being the voice during 2 week-long sessions of VBS-one for younger kids and one for older kids. She'll have plenty of opportunity to be that puppet. God is definitely in the details of our daily lives and gives us the desires of our hearts, when we first seek to do His will. How well does He orchestrate details? GET THIS: the VBS in Uganda is the EXACT same week as the VBS at our home church in America. The very week that she so badly wanted to be a puppet, she will be!
3) When I replied to this wonderful lady and let her know that Raegan would LOVE to be the puppet, I told her a little bit about what I just told you above. She replied with such an amazing email. She had began to feel overwhelmed with all the preparations for their mission teams (they are going early, like us, but for different reasons). She was feeling concerned about getting all of the details in place and having so much on her hands. My email was a reminder for her that God is in the details. While God was meeting the desires of Raegan's heart, He was also encouraging and re-energizing another of His children; one that we haven't even met in person yet.
4) The same short term team that is leading the VBS in Uganda, also has another interesting thing going on. They have an eye doctor from Wisconsin (if my memory is correct) who is coming to Uganda to do a vision clinic for the hundreds people at New Hope and the surrounding communities. He has never done this before and is not bringing his own team to help. Well, if you recall, Kim and I have played primary roles in the vision clinics with our church planting team for the last 2 years and we'll do it again this year. So, we were asked if we'd be willing to help in whatever capacity the doctor needs and to give feedback based on what we've experienced in previous years. Of course we said yes! We are looking forward to the opportunity to do similar work in a different setting, under different leadership. It's always fun to see how other people approach similar tasks. How cool is it that we have some experience and will be in the same place as this eye doctor when he needs help? Again, God is in the details! I love that He pulls all of this together and we don't even know it's coming.
I know this has really gotten long, so I'll cut it off. Please join me in praising God Almighty and thanking Him for loving us enough to meet our needs (and some wants)! Thank you, Abba Father!
One last note: God also continues to provide for our financial needs. The Stanley family only needs $2344 to be fully funded. I'll let Kim tell you where she's at. If you'd like to partner with us financially, please click on "Get Involved" at the top of this page. There you'll find a link to give online using debit/credit card or check. It's tax deductible and a very secure process through our church.
Also, you can see our prayer needs by clicking on the prayer section at the top.
Thanks for hanging in there on this one!
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