Thursday, May 23, 2013

Ditto :)

I am so excited for how the Lord is working out all the details for us, and I just had to piggyback on Tamra's post (so yes, this is Kim). It is amazing to see all the pieces fall into place, and to know that God's plan was so much better than ours. It's kind of comical when you think about how many months we've been planning and have it all fall apart and come together totally different in just a few short weeks. We have no doubt that this trip will be packed with "water-walking encounters with the Living God" (to quote our missions pastor).
I also wanted to share a praise with you as we continue to trust the Lord to provide our funding. I am now only $900 away from being fully funded!!! I hope that you'll consider joining us on this journey as we seek to serve the Lord this summer.

Mukama Yebaziwe (Praise the Lord!!)

1 comment:

  1. Kim, we are SOOOO excited for you! Derek and I are praying for you, and for the people you will meet, as well as your team ;)
    May you feel equipped and ready for anything!
