A note from Kim...
I was talking with some of my coworkers yesterday and we began discussing books we've recently read. Well, I quickly dominated the conversation by telling them about the book my life group just completed...Transforming Prayer, by Daniel Henderson (and yes...that is a not-so-subtle plug for the book)! My mom had been telling me that I needed to read this book for months, and I'm so thankful that I listened to her! :) It was very challenging to read, but one of the most encouraging and inspiring books I've read. Obviously it was challenging because it pointed out all the struggles I have with prayer. But after each chapter, I desperately wanted to spend more time with the Lord to get to know Him better. Since it's had such an impact on my life, I decided what better thing to share with our partners in this upcoming mission than some of those same challenges and encouragements!
These are some of my favorite quotes from the book...
1.) I am convinced that true believers carry an unquenchable appetite for legitimate life change. We hunger for worship encounters with His holy presence that mark us and make us more like Jesus. Can I get an AMEN!!!
2.) Everything in our life finds proper value once we have properly valued Him. We take time for what we value. And we behold what we love. It is not the duty of beholding that changes us, though, but rather the beauty of the one we behold. (Ken Gire) This makes me think of Moses asking God to show him His glory!!! May that be our prayer as well.
3.) We do not need a smoking mountain, a set of laws, or Moses' veil. We have all we need in the truth of Christ's redemption, the presence of His Spirit, and the invitation to seek Him at any moment and in any place.
4.) Graciously, the Lord has taught me that the only enduring motive for prayer is that God is worthy to be sought. Again, this is a worship-based motivation. I may or may not feel like praying. The prayer time may be energized; it may be dull. The answers to prayer may be apparent; they may not. Still, God is worhty to be sought.
5.) We spend more prayer energy trying to keep sick Christians out of heaven than trying to keep lost people out of hell. (James Walker) OUCH! This is the one that hit me the hardest; especially as we prepare for this upcoming mission. I was challenged to think about how often I really pray for the lost. Please join with us as we spend our "energy" praying that the name of Christ would be proclaimed to all the nations.
I could probably go on and on quoting from this book...but then there would be no reason for you to read it yourself! :) I really do encourage it...but even more, I encourage you to look at your own prayer life to see if you are just seeking God's HAND, or if you're seeking God's FACE! There's a big difference, and it's a lesson I'm learning daily!
May He alone receive all the glory!
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