Today had a handful of really awesome moments. I'll just share the best ones and try to make it succinct without missing any important details.
1) Because of my specific role, I am the first person that anyone sees when they come into the clinic. This fact means that I am able to share the gospel with any person who has not heard or given their life to Jesus. Unfortunately, for those down the line of progression in the vision clinic, this means that they don't get to share as often because the people have already heard by the time they get to them. With that in mind, and to allow more people to be seen in the vision clinic, I've been even more aware of those around me on the team. When someone tells me that they are not Born Again, I look to see if someone on the team is not busy at the moment, especially if they are the station that this person is going to next anyway. Then I introduce them and let the other person share the gospel. Some of the interpreters aren't sure how to take this because it might seem that I don't want to share. In fact, I just want others on my team to experience the joy of sharing with a non-believer.
Today, Steven (from Spoken Truth) was interpreting for me. I explained to him that I've filled this role for 3 years now and I wanted to make sure that others had the opportunity to share the gospel. He totally understood what I meant. After that, every time we had a non-believer, we looked around to see if someone was available who might not have had as many opportunities, if any. If no one was available, of course I took the opportunity to share. It so happened that Raegan and another young lady (I won't give her name because I didn't ask her parents) were at the last 2 stations and one of them was in a position that didn't even allow her to interact with the people directly. So, we called her over the first 2 times, then Raegan the next time, and then a few other young people. They did a great job sharing the gospel message and I loved having the opportunity to witness these young people sharing up close and personal. It was a great experience and it brings me to the next topic.
2) I know she's my daughter, so yes, this is a proud momma moment, but also, Raegan just did an awesome job of sharing the message of Christ! She started by explaining that God had created two humans, who were perfect in a His image. Then she explained that they were tempted and chose to disobey God, thus the world is fallen and we are separated from God. Then she started talking about Jesus. My goodness, was she making His love really known! I already know that Jesus loves me, but I'm not exaggerating when I say that I was literally tearing up as she described it. She even explained that in Jesus' time the cross was the punishment for the worst of criminals and, although Jesus was perfect, He took that punishment. I can't do it justice at this point, but when she was giving the description and explaining that Jesus freely accepted this horrible form of punishment to pay for all of my sins (and the lady she was witnessing to, of course), you could just feel how powerful that was. He didn't just die for us; he died a horrible, atrocious sinner's death; the worst of a sinner's death. Yes, I already knew that, but now I know without a doubt that my 13 year old totally gets that as well. As she went on to explain to the lady about being a new creation with the Holy Spirit dwelling within her and growing in a personal relationship with Christ, I was just so touched by her ability to explain.
At the very end, she asked the lady if she believed that what she told her was the truth. In a way I've never heard before, she asked the lady 3 different times, in 3 different ways. I found myself thinking, "she already answered you, why do you keep asking?" I just thought it was odd and redundant. It went like this: "do you want Jesus to be your personal Savior?" Yes. "Do you want Him to be Lord of your life?" Yes. "Do you want to be born again?" Yes.
For some reason, this kept coming back to my mind for the rest of the day. Notice that each question brings the decision to another level. It's one thing to say yes to having a savior. It's totally another to saying that you want him to be Lord of your life. And yet another to say you want to be born again-that's not a minor thing, especially in Uganda. Raegan had already explained that born again meant you were a new creation, totally transformed, like a caterpillar changing to a butterfly.
After having thought about it, I believe this path that Raegan took is an excellent one. She really wanted this woman to think about her answer, she didn't just take the first yes and say mission accomplished. I like that.
Later in the day, when it came to mind again, I suddenly recalled Jesus' conversation with Peter after his resurrection. Peter had denied Christ 3 times, just as He said Peter would. Jesus asked, "Peter, do you love me?" He asked him 3 times and Peter showed obvious emotional response that grew from the repetition of the question. He knew that Jesus knew he loved Him and we know that Jesus knew it, also. So why did He ask 3 times? Some say it was to make up for the 3 denials; some say it was to show Peter the importance of what He was telling him (if you love me, feed my sheep); I'd say maybe it was both. Whatever the exact reason was, Raegan's asking three times reminded me of Christ doing the same and grabbed my heart even more.
3) at one point, the clinic had gotten so busy, I was not able to look around for others to share, so I was able to have that honor myself. I had a woman and her young son come in. He was probably around 7, but I don't recall exactly. They were Muslims and I learned that the father had passed away. The woman did allow me to share the Gospel message with them. I began telling them about God, our separation, and Jesus, who is the redeemer. Now, I was so intensely telling the story that I realized I wasn't telling her how it tied to the color of each bead on the bracelet. While that might not seem important, I try to make sure I do it because when they walk away, I want them to look at that bracelet and be reminded of the whole story. It may be the most obvious reminder they will have. So, I did a short recap of the first 3 beads-black, red, and white. At this point, the woman just started laughing; not just a little giggle, but a real laugh. I wasn't sure whether to be offended or what. If you have been to Uganda, you know that they laugh for many reasons and it could mean absolutely nothing, but this time, even the interpreter was a bit taken back. She looked at me and said, "she's laughing, I don't know why she's laughing." She then asked the lady. Her answer was that it was just too amazing that you can be completely transformed like that. I remind you, I had not gotten to explaining that you are a new creation. I only explained that because of Christ you are washed completely clean of your sin, you move from darkness to light. That women's laughter at the amazement of Christ was one of the neatest things I've ever experienced.
4) today Tyler had the opportunity to share the gospel message with a tent of people 3 times. He had several dozen people say that they wanted to accept Christ. I am very proud of him stepping out and sharing so boldly. Tonight at dinner, during share time, one of the young ladies who works in the vision clinic shared a story that involved Tyler. While helping this lady with her eyes, they also discussed Christ. She said that this lady was so excited and explained why. This woman had been born again for several years. She had witnessed to her son, discussed with him, and he had heard the message many times from others but he never accepted Christ. However, she explained that earlier that day, while they waited for their turn in the clinic, a young boy had shared the Gospel message in the tent and this time her son accepted the truth. That young boy was Tyler! How awesome that the God of the universe chose to use Tyler's message to touch this boys spirit and answer this mother's prayer for her son. I know that it wasn't because of Tyler, but because of the power of the Holy Spirit, but however it all came to be, it was so exciting to hear this story and know that my son has already done great things for the kingdom of The Lord at only 11 years old.
5) one last story for just so happens to be about Raegan again. Tonight at dinner, she shared an experience that was special to her. She has been working at the sunglasses station, which is the last stop for every person. It is the ONLY station that literally speaks to every person. Whether they need sunglasses or not, they stop there to turn in their form and get a loving goodbye and reminder about the crusades that evening. Of course, they also get asked one more time if they are born again.
One man told Raegan that he had heard the message but that he was waiting to make a decision because he was going to consult his friends before he made a decision. I'll tell you now, my daughter was given some great wisdom in sharing with this man, and here is the short version of how it went:
Do you consult your friends before you go to sleep?
Do you consult your friends before you eat?
We all agree that sleeping and eating are both necessities for life. Jesus is a necessity for life also. Why do you not consult your friends before deciding about those necessities of life, but you put off deciding about Jesus to consult your friends?
Now, of course, this is not a line for line quote, but pretty much the conversation. I did actually overhear Raegan saying that sleep is a necessity for life and wondered what on earth brought that up. ;)
Some how, this was the wisdom that this man needed to hear because before he left Raegan's company, he accepted Christ. She was so excited, and, I admit, we were all impressed with such simple words of wisdom coming from a 13 year old.
Floyd jokingly said, "oh great, now I have 2 women in the house who are smarter than me." lol ;)
As you can see, this day was full of excitement and movement of the Spirit! We are grateful to be hear and be used as the hands and feet of Jesus!
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